"Lähes kaiken muun edelle..." just joo.

"Yes, we are seriously making this movie, there's not much things standing on its way anymore... just 'Manhunt', some other Abe Lincoln flick, the 'Bourne Ultimatum' and of course the 'Bourne Hypergigantum' if the third one still hits at b.o... and oh yeah, then there's those ten or something seasons of this new Star Wars series... and oh yeah, Harry just called and said that he's demoting himself to this flick 'bout Iraq, and they plan on using authentic sites, but of course they're not sticking their noses in there before the things settle down a bit, but we have stern believe that it won't take long and thus our calenders will be all clear for fourth Indiana Jones movie as soon as we get all this minor, secondary stuff I mentioned in the can..."