En osaa järjestää, mut tässä tulee:
-Snakes, why does it have to be snakes (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark)
-May the force be with you (Star Wars Episode 4)
-With great power, comes great responsibility (Spider-manit)
-Im not a bad person, I just had a bad luck (Spider-man 3)
-I am Iron Man (Iron Man)
-This is a small world, Dr Jones (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)
-Give him some medicine, boys (Lord of the rings The Two Towers)
-If I can't carry it, I can carry you (Lord of the Rings The Return of the King)
-My name is Bond, James Bond (James Bondit)
-Stop touching your bloody ear (007 Casino Royale)
-Next time it will take more than just children to save you, doctor Jones (Raiders)
-Im the best at what I do, but what I do isnt very nice (X-men Origins: Wolverine)
-Why is the rum gone? (Pirates of the Caribbean 1)
-There are two kinds of people... (Hyvät, pahat ja rumat)
-What are you, a triple agent? (Indiana Jones IV)
-Yippee-ki-yay (Die Hard)
-Wax on, wax off (Karate Kid)
-I have to ask you to exit the Donut (Iron Man 2)
-Do it, do it (Starsky & Hutch)
-Ho ho ho, now I have a machine gun (Die Hard)
-Adios, stupido (Raiders)
-Ooh, I can feel your spine, never knew you had one (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
-Meat or Potatoes? (Sherlock Holmes)
(Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine:) Well well, look at this, Marduk. Wings and all, not bad, as far as priceless treasures go (VP olit oikeessa
